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Adding & Managing Users

Adding or Editing Users - Importing Users - User Roles & Permissions - Deactivating Users - FAQs

Adding or Editing Users

To add employees and other admins or managers to your account, navigate to the Users page of the web portal. From there click the orange Add User button in the upper right corner.

Next you'll want to fill out your employee's information, making sure that any field marked with a * is completed as it is required. This means each employee must have a selected User Role, First and Last Name, and a unique Email Address. All other fields are optional.

If you are going to be tracking a user's location and/or mileage, make sure to check the boxes at the top! This can be modified later if needed.

To edit an existing user, navigate to the Users page and then click on the blue pencil icon to the right of the user you would like to modify. It should say "Update User" when you hover your over it.

Importing Users

If you have a lot of employees you'd like to add at one time, you can easily do so with our CSV template. You can find it on the Users page at the top, after clicking the Import Employees button.

If you do not have your own CSV file, you'll want to click Download template and save the one we have pre-built for you.

Just like when adding users one at a time, you will need to make sure you fill out each field correctly.

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number (Numbers only, do not add parenthesis, dashes or spaces. This is optional if you are not sending a user an SMS invitation.)
  • Role (Admin, Manager, or Employee)
  • Hourly Pay Rate (This is optional.)
  • Password (Must contain at least 6 characters - 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number and 1 special character .@$!%*#&)
  • Employee ID (This is optional.)

The last 4 fields require a yes or no:

  • Track Mileage
  • Send Invite (No for do not send invite, Yes to select one or both of the following options)
    • via Email
    • via SMS

You can use your own CSV file instead if you already have one built, just make sure you have names for all of your columns!

Once your CSV is filled out completely, click the Upload CSV file button and pick the correct document. You will then be prompted to match your CSV columns with the correlating field in Timeero. You can click the Map Common Fields button and it will try to match columns that have exact name matches, otherwise pick from the drop down menu. Fields marked with an * symbol are required fields. 

Once done, click Start Import. This may take a few minutes, depending on how many users you are adding.

User Roles & Permissions

When adding new users, Admin can choose a role for each of them. There are 3 types of roles you can select from:

  1. Admin
  2. Manager
  3. Employee

Admin have full privileges in Timeero and can access all information for all users. Their permissions include, but are not limited to:

  • Adding, deactivating, and deleting users
  • Editing users, including passwords and user roles
  • Creating, editing and assigning Jobs and Groups
  • Adjusting Company Settings
  • Account and Billing information
  • Creating and editing schedules
  • Running any report for all users
  • Setting up Integrations
  • Message Blasts

Managers can only see the details of users assigned to the same Group as them. Make sure that when assigning users the Manager role, you are creating a group that includes that user and any employees they are supervising. Manager permissions are limited to just the users in their group and include:

  • Viewing and approving timesheets
  • Message Blasts 
  • Receiving and approving time-off requests. 

By default, managers cannot edit timesheets, schedules, jobs, or run reports. but you can grant them these additional permissions. To do so, edit their user profile and go to the Additional Settings tab at the top. Toggle on the permissions you wish to grant, then click the Update User button at the bottom to save the changes.

Toggle on the options for the following permissions:
  • Add, Edit & Delete Time/Mileage
  • Add, Edit & Delete Schedule
  • Add, Edit & Delete Job
  • View Reports
  • View Who's Working

Employees can clock in and out, view their own schedule and timesheets, add notes and photos to their own timesheets, and receive message blasts. Just like Managers, you can give your employees additional permissions if you would like to. 

These permissions only apply to themselves, and their own timesheets, schedules, created jobs and reports. View Who's Working allows your employee to see other employees who are in their group and currently clocked in, as well as their geolocation.

Deactivating Users

Whenever you need to turn off a user's access to Timeero for any reason (seasonal worker, termination, etc.) you can deactivate them from the Users page by clicking the crossed out circle button. 

Deactivating a user will ensure that their timesheets will still be accessible on the web portal and you can still run a report for their time and mileage if needed.

Deactivated users are not billed for, and you will receive a pro-rated credit for the time remaining on the subscription for them that will be applied to your next invoice.

You can reactivate a user by going to the Users page and then switching to the Deactivated tab at the top. Find the user you would like to reactivate and click the lightning bolt symbol to the right of their name.

We highly recommend that you do not delete users. Deleting a user will immediately remove them, as well as any data associated with them - timesheets, geolocation data, everything! This data cannot be recovered so do not delete a user unless you are absolutely certain!

Frequently Asked Questions

My user's invitation has expired, how do I send a new one?
You can resend an invitation to a user that hasn't accepted it yet by going to the Users page of the web portal and clicking the arrow button on the right of the page, next to the user's profile. 

My user has forgotten their password, is there a way for me to reset it for them?
From the web portal you can go to the Users page and then click the blue pencil icon to edit the user's profile. From there you will want to fill out the "Temporary Password" text box, update the user's profile, and then give the user that new password you created.

New passwords must contain at least 6 characters, 1 number, 1 upper  case letter, 1 lower case letter, and 1 special character: .@$!%*#&

Can I turn mileage or location tracking on/off for multiple users at once?
Yes! To do this you'll be on the Users page of the web portal and then check the box next to the names of all users you need to change mileage or location tracking for. Once you have everyone selected you should see a popup at the bottom of the page to select either mileage or location. Click the appropriate button and then select if you want to turn it off or on for the selected users.