Edit timesheets in the web portal

By default, Admins are the only users with permission to edit timesheets. With the correct supervisor permission turned on, Managers and Employees can also edit timesheets.

  1. Log into the web portal.
  2. Select Time & Mileage from the menu.
  3. Find the timesheet that needs editing and click on the pencil icon.
  4. Here you can edit clock in/out times, add/edit/delete miles, add breaks, and more.
  5. Click on each field you wish to edit and make your changes.
  6. Don't forget to click on the Save button when you're finished.

    Admins and Managers:




What happens when a timesheet is edited?

  1. When a timesheet is edited, employees will receive a push notification.  
  2. Screenshot_2-1If the clock in or out time is edited, this icon will appear on the timesheet.  The edit icon only appears for changes to clock in/out times.

Where can I see the edit activity log?

1.  Log into the web portal

2.  Click on Time & Mileage

3. Click on the eyeball icon to view the timesheet

4.  Scroll down to see Activity History


What edits are shown in the timesheet activity log?

  • Clock in/out times
  • Miles/Kilometers
  • Clock in/out dates
  • Breaks
  • Notes

What edits are NOT shown in the timesheet activity log?

  • Job
  • Task
  • User
  • Photos


If a user is still on the clock, the timesheet can only be edited in the web portal.

To edit a timesheet in the mobile app, the user must be clocked out. You cannot edit a timesheet in the mobile app for a user who is still clocked in.


GPS points will not change on the timesheet map when time is edited.

However, when the time is edited, the clock in/out pins will show the new time when you hover over them with your mouse.