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Timesheet Colors and Symbols

Timeero uses colors and symbols to represent things like notes, breaks, and approvals. This article will explain what each color and symbol means.

Colors in mobile apps

Blue - notes have been added to the timesheet
Green - the timesheet has been approved by an Admin or Manager
Red - the user clocked in or out, outside of the geofence area

Colors in the web portal

Peach - indicates a flagged entry

Symbols in the web portal

Edit Icon - The clock-in and/or clock-out time has been edited.  This symbol only appears when the clock in/out time has been changed.  To view all timesheet edits (mileage, notes, etc), click on the eyeball icon located to the far right of the timesheet.  This will open the Timesheet Activity Log.

MUG Break Icon - At least one break has been taken.  Hover over the icon to see the total duration of one or multiple breaks.  To view the break type(s), click on the pencil icon located to the far right of the timesheet.

   PHOTO    Attachments Icon - At least one photo attachment has been added to the timesheet.  To view the attachment, click on the eyeball icon located to the far right of the timesheet.  Next, click on Attachments located at the top, right-hand side of the page.

NOTESNotes Icon - A note has been added to the timesheet.  Hover over the icon to view the notes.  Notes can also be viewed by clicking on the eyeball icon located to the far right of the timesheet.  Notes are shown at the bottom, left-hand side of the page.

The notes icon also represents the name of a time off category.  For example, Sam requests time off using the time off category 'Holiday'.  If the request is approved & a timesheet is created, the job name will be PTO and the note will be Holiday.


FLAG   Flag Icon - This icon represents a flagged entry and the timesheet will be highlighted in peach.  Hover over the flag icon to view the flagged reason.  Reasons for the flag can also be viewed by clicking on the eyeball icon located to the far right of the timesheet.  The reason is shown at the top, left-hand side of the page.

Flagged reasons include:

  • A user clocks in or out of a job, outside of the geofence boundary.
  • A user gets automatically clocked out after they exceed a certain number of hours.
  • A user has a face mismatch while using face recognition (kiosk app only).
  • A user gets automatically clocked out after they turn off their GPS (premium plan only).