GPS & Mileage Tracking Troubleshooting Guide

An employee is clocked in but they are not showing on Who's Working or they do not have a timesheet:

Typically this is caused when a user clocks in without a stable internet or data connection. Once they are in an area where they have service, their tracking information and timesheet will be updated to the web portal.

If you still do not see them after they have entered an area where they have service, have them try the following steps:

  1. Make sure they are on the most current version of the app by going to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and making sure there is not an update available. If they are, have them update the app from there.
  2. Make sure that their Tracker Checklist is at 100%. They can find this in the app Settings menu.
  3. Go to the app Settings and click Tap to manually sync, then wait a few minutes.
  4. If you still do not see them on the Who's Working page, and you have confirmed they are clocked in currently, have them try clicking the Force Location button in the upper right corner of the Timeero app. 

The Force Location button will only create a new breadcrumb if the user is farther than 150 feet from their most recent breadcrumb.

The Who's Working page is showing that an employee hasn't moved their entire shift:

If you are seeing an employee that is clocked in, but doesn't appear to have moved, you will first want to confirm that they are clocked in through the mobile app and are not clocked in through the web portal. You can check this by going to Time & Mileage and then clicking the eye icon next to the timesheet you want to view. The "In Source" should say what type of phone they are on, and should not say "Web App".

If they are showing as having clocked in correctly through the mobile app, follow the troubleshooting steps listed above.

A timesheet is showing 0 miles after being clocked in and driving all day:

The easiest solution is to go to your Users page in the admin web portal and make sure that you have mileage tracking turned on for that employee. 

You can edit this by clicking the blue pencil icon to "Update User" then making sure Track User's Location and Track Mileage are both selected.

If you are still not seeing mileage on an employee's timesheet, try the following steps:

  1. If you are using jobs go to the Jobs & Tasks page and click the pencil icon next to the job they are clocking into to "Update Job". Make sure that Track Mileage is checked.
  2. Confirm that the user is clocking in from the Timeero app and not the web portal. We can only track mileage and location if they are using the mobile app.
    1. You can block users from clocking on the web portal in Company Settings > General by toggling the setting on.
  3. Check the speed threshold for mileage tracking in Company Settings > General. We recommend setting it to 4.47 mph as that is faster than the average walking speed, so it should only calculate speeds over that threshold.
  4. Make sure that their Tracker Checklist is at 100%. They can find this in the app Settings menu.

An employee's route map shows a long gap between breadcrumbs:

Screenshot 2022-07-01 074650

GPS & Mileage tracking may be interrupted and show a long straight line between breadcrumbs if an employee does any of the following actions:

  • Force closes the app, by swiping up and out of it.
  • The user logs out of the mobile app while clocked in. Time tracking will continue, but GPS will stop.
  • The Tracker Checklist settings are not at 100%.
    • You can see if any of these settings have been changed in Company Settings > Tracker Checklist. A new entry will be made any time an employee changes the settings on their phone, with the most recent being towards the top. 
  • The employee has clocked into a break time.

How can I make sure that my employees are set up to have the most accurate tracking?

Admin have access to our Tracker Checklist Log. The log shows any changes made to the tracker checklist on a user's device. If there is a disruption in tracking, look for the user's latest tracker checklist status to assist in troubleshooting. You can find the log in Company Settings > Tracker Checklist. Check out the log to find which setting might need to be fixed to ensure accurate location and mileage tracking.

Every time someone opens the mobile app, we will check to see if the Tracker Checklist status is the same as the last one we captured. If anything has changed, a new log will be added!