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Reports Company Settings

Discover the additional options available to you for inclusion in your reports.

To modify these settings, navigate to Company Settings (the orange gear icon in the upper right) and then to Reports.


Show timesheet notes on reports:
 If your employees leave notes on their timesheets, you can turn this on to have them included in your reports.

Show User ID on reports: If you need to have the user IDs entered on your employees profiles (this is optional when creating a user log in), make sure to toggle this setting on.

Show Mileage on reports: Turn this off if you are not tracking mileage and have no reason to view this column.

Show Time in decimal format: This is useful if your payroll software only calculates time in decimal format, so you do not need to do the conversion manually.

Show only approved time/mileage: If you are taking advantage of the ability to approve timesheets, turn this on so that you do not see any that have not yet been approved.

Include Inactive Users: When you need to include a deactivated employee without reactivating their profile, toggle this on. 

Inactive users will not be available as an option in "Report by User", even with this setting toggled on.

Include Premium Pay To Regular Hours: Toggling this on will add a column for premium pay hours to your Report by Totals, and for other reports will add premium pay into the totals footer for each employee.

Assign Mileage in Segmented Tracking: Allows you to attribute mileage to either the previous or next job segment in the segmented tracking report.