California Premium Pay

Premium Plan

California Premium Pay
is an additional hour of pay at the employee's regular rate for each workday when a meal or rest period is not provided, as required by law. If an employee works through their meal or rest breaks, they will be compensated for it.

For example, if an employee works 8 hours at $20 per hour and skips both their meal and rest breaks, they will receive an extra $40 where $20 is for the missed meal break and $20 is for the missed rest break.

To use Premium Pay you will need to have California Overtime Rules and California Breaks set up first and assigned to the correct users.


Premium Pay Report

Administrators simply need to go to Reports, choose Premium Pay Report and select the date range. Once the report is generated it can be Exported as either a CSV or a PDF.


It's important to note that "Premium Pay Report" only shows the timesheets where the California Break form has been filled out, not those that are added manually.

For more information about the California meal premium requirements, read our blog about California Premium Pay here.